Albizzati Spa moves north of the Caspian Sea within one of the most important discovery of the latest thirty years. We are referring to Kashagan giant field, situated 80 km south-east of Atyrau (Kazakhstan), in the Northern Caspian Sea.
Kashagan project scheme includes the construction of production units (hub) located on platforms and artificial islands, collecting production from other satellite artificial islands where wells will be drilled.
The first phase process scheme provides that oil and part of the not re-injected gas will be subject to a first processing in the offshore production unit and then sent, by separated lines, to a processing plant onshore at Bolashak, nearby Atyrau.
Here, oil will be further stabilized and cleaned, gas will be processed in order to remove hydrogen sulfide, and will be used as a fuel in order to supply the energy required by production plants. Part of this fuel will be marketed.
Albizzati Spa actively participates to this project, bringing its leading edge technical solutions and experience in order to meet extremely demanding requirements, in terms of delays and feasibility, which would be considered as an impossible challenge by most suppliers.